Thursday, September 18, 2008

PS: Band-aid Sticker

We've never had to use a Band-aid on our girl. Well, maybe once when I trimmed her nails too close to the skin when she was a wee-girl, and even then it was hard to put it on her finger. I have friends whose children love Band-aids so much that they go on their dolls, books, chairs, etc.

I thought yesterday would be the start of the Band-aid revolution, and that soon all of our stuffties would be sporting Band-aids as part of their regular attire. A pinched her finger in a door and I could tell that it REALLY hurt. Once we made sure all was okay, I thought having a Band-aid on it might help to alleviate extra pain when she'd touch things with her finger. I took her to the closet, explained that a Band-aid was kind of like a sticker, but it was to go on her finger to help it feel better. She knew right away that Band-aids in no way were supposed to go on our fingers! I could tell by her face, "Mama, really, how many times have we played with stickers; we don't wear them, silly!" So, she took the Band-aid and gently placed it on the floor. I figured if her finger was functioning well, we didn't really need the Band-aid anyway. So, off we went to play.

Well, since that incident, whenever A finds her sticker from the market, she walks it to the closet door and places it on the floor, right where she put the Band-aid sticker. She's so funny.

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