Sunday, January 11, 2009

Her Big Day- The Two Year Mark

My heart has been bursting with excitement the last few days as we’ve been approaching A’s second birthday. I’m just abundantly blessed as I think back on all the memories we have these last two years. My life is all the fuller and richer because of our daughter!

This morning when we woke A from bed, we sang “Happy Birthday” to her. She said, “Sing again, Mama, Papa?” And, at breakfast as I was reminding her how much we have to be thankful for she said, “So thankful for dinner!” ;-)

This morning was A’s first day in the big-kid room at church! She was welcomed by such wonderful, caring individuals! She learned about Jesus being baptized by John, played with friends, and was invited to celebrate her birthday with a little cake! We’re so blessed by such thoughtfulness! When we asked A what she thought of her morning in the big class she said, “It was interesting!” and then we all laughed!

A’s friend Rosie gave her a pair of her own red tights. She put them in a brown paper bag with a purple piece of paper taped to the outside with her name on it. How dear is that?!

And, as if that weren’t enough to touch our hearts, our landlord and his girlfriend stopped by to see her today. They brought two books as gifts! They know how much she loves books and they wanted to encourage her love for reading. It was just amazing!

In a few hours, we’ll head over to have dinner with both sets of Grandparents and one set of Great- Grandparents. A keeps saying how she can’t wait to see her “friends” tonight. And… to have pizza, of course! HA.

I’m baking some cookies, nibbling on them as I go, and reflecting on the goodness of God in our dear, precious child. Thank you, God! You are so good to us! What a privilege it is to point this precious child to Yourself, what a joy to serve you in raising her. Thank you! We love you!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Happy Birthday Adah!!! Glad that you had a special day :)