Thursday, January 1, 2009

Big Changes in our Little One

Our little muffin is changing so much. It’s almost as if we have a new child! She’s growing in her curiosity, imagination, and VOCABULARY! For Christmas, we gave her a collection of Eric Carle’s longer stories. She walks around the house saying, “Eric Carle” and then “Read Pancakes” because she loves his story about pancakes. She also goes in to her kitchen to make us pancakes and pizza. We had some friends over for pizza the day after Christmas, and ever since, she can’t stop talking about pizza. We picked up a book at the library a couple days ago about Curious George at the pizza shop and now she requests to read it quite frequently.

The most interesting of all is that in a couple of her books the word “sad” is referenced. One was in a Curious George book when we he realized he lost the bunny and the other in her Eloise Wilkin book which says that God is with us when we are lonely, hurt, sorry, or sad. The other evening when A didn’t particularly enjoy the meal of choice, she looked at me and said, “Mama, I’m sad.”  Oh my! Now she says it when Papa leaves, when she is disappointed, or when she needs extra snuggles. Wow.

She also surprised us today by saying “I’m happy!” after we finished lunch. She then said, “Happy New Year, Ju-Ju!” (Judah is her favorite Lion friend.)

With all these new words also have come many new changes. She was scared and sad going to bed a few nights in a row, seemed to have some bad dreams, became very clingy during the daytime hours, and was rather frustrated at the challenges in communicating with us. Sometimes these words are not the easiest to understand! We are trying hard because we desire to know her heart and thoughts.

This is an exciting time! Words are connecting with her thoughts and emotions, and we are getting to know and understand her in fresh and exciting ways. We’re grateful and excited for this new season!

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