Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chartreuse and the Sillies

A is really enjoying her recent discovery of new words. She loves when we open the fridge and she can say Ed (for bread), Ess (for eggs), Orange (for Orange Juice), Apes (for grapes), and Mom (for milk). All of these make me laugh for one reason or another.

A seems to have certain words that make her laugh hysterically, and she holds on to them for days. She finds a word that's funny to her and wants to say it or have it said to her constantly. When we were in NC the word was Couscous. Aunt D made us couscous with our dinner one evening. We placed A's plate before her and said, "This is couscous". She laughed SO hard and within a second, we were all laughing.

Once back from NC, she started to say "Doree" and laughed every time I said it back to her. We think it could be a combination of things: 1.) Her middle name is Doreen. 2.) Her Aunt's name is Doreen. 3.) She has a doll named Dora. 4.) One of her first words was door and adding the "eee" sound made it all the more fun!

The other day we were walking through the market and A must have said "Doree" a thousand times, consistently cracking up each time. Now, don't get me wrong -- Doree is still a HUGE hit, but this afternoon we discovered a new word of hilarity: Chartreuse. It's a color that is in the middle of yellow and green. We heard it on Blue's Clues and as soon as it rolled off Joe's tongue, she looked at me and smiled. I said, "Chartreuse?!" And she laughed harder! I knew it would be our new word of sillies. We were saying it all through dinner and all three of us were laughing hysterically.

Life is just so fun with our little one! And all the more fun with words.

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