Friday, May 29, 2009

Those late night chats

When our friendship first began, long before I ever knew we’d one day marry each other, we loved to talk on the phone into the wee hours of the morning. There I sat in my parents’ dining room, in a cozy-orange chair, stretching the blue phone cord as far as it could reach, so I could be comfortable and talk longer. I didn’t care how late it got (although my dad did) or how tired I’d be the next day. It was one of my favorite things to do and still is.

There was always an incredible anticipation in my chatting with S. I looked forward to it and enjoyed every minute. We talked about everything and I was always challenged by what he had to say and contribute. And I loved the laughter we shared. No one had ever made me laugh so hard. It was an incredible friendship that I continue to enjoy the fruit of today.

This week we’ve had a few nights when we’ve just sat on the couch, talking, sharing, growing, and planning into those same wee morning hours. And, I’ve loved it. I love hearing his heart and mind speak, and I love how we speak truth to each other. I love sharing my heart and life with this wonderful husband of mine. Although we talk all the time, there is something about our late night chats that draw us closer and cause me to give thanks for the great hope and redemption He’s brought into our lives and marriage.

It’s amazing to look back at how much I loved him then, but how much more I love him now! How much deeper. Truer. No matter how tired I am, I will always stay up for him. I will talk until he thinks he’s ready for slumber. I can still listen to him as long as he needs, and respond as long as my mouth keeps speaking, even if my eyes are flickering.

It’s nice that I don’t have to stretch the phone cord any more or wish we could be right there next to each other. We are, each night, and I’m so very thankful.

1 comment:

Jodesly said...

Facebook has made me lazy, and I really just wanted to give a big "Like it!" to this whole post :) We don't stay up late very often, but I know exactly what you mean about apprecaiting being close to the one you love. After 9 years, I still don't take that for granted!