Thursday, December 11, 2008

Words Are So Fun

Well, it's been a humbling couple weeks with an ugly flu bug rearing its head in our home, but I think we're now on the mend. We pray so. I have so many budding blog ideas, but for now I'll leave you with a few simple funnies.

Our home is now filled with the glorious sounds of our little one! A is growing in her vocabulary and it's a total joy! She has the funniest sense of humor. For instance, when we sit down for meals she's used to us saying, "Ok, let's wait till we all sit down and pray before touching our food." So, now she laughs when we sit down and says, "Wa-wa-wa-WAIT, Baby!" We all laugh!

Today we were at the store purchasing some shipping supplies to mail a package and I pulled Bubble Wrap off the shelf. A said, "Bubbles-- Yeah Baby!" LOL.

She can practically repeat anything these days and it's so fun to hear her voice as she learns more about connecting thoughts and concepts into words. It's so nice to have more tangible communication as well.

The funniest thing that gets us every time is Orange Juice. We serve it just with breakfast. She gets the biggest kick out of asking for it at lunch and dinner. She says, "Orange Juish?" And then she laughs hysterically. We respond, "You silly girl, we have Orange Juice and breakfast!" And we all laugh.

It's fun and we're enjoying every minute. :-)

More to come soon!

1 comment:

Jodesly said...

Sorry you guys have been under the weather. I was thinking of inviting you girls over today except that we're not entirely healthy here either. Just the snotty variety, though. Anyway, glad you're on the mend - I've missed the blogging!